Rome is one heck of a town. We had a great flight. That is after we played Monty Hall "lets make a deal" as US Air did exactly what I was afraid they would do and give Kate and I seats on different sides of the plane.
Once we got our seating issues straighted out all was well. First class seats are really someting special. The seats are electrically adjustable and have about 12 different adjustments. They lie down flat so after my meal of lamb chops with mint jelly it was off to bed for a good 5 hrs of sleep. Then wake up time for breakfast then we hit the ground running. The space allotted for a seat in first class is hugh. It is at least 3 times the room of coach. Its like having 2 rows in front of you with no seats in them.
We took the train from Rome airport to the city center, then hopped a cab to the hotel. It rained a good part of the day and we walked around with our unbrellas and still got to see lots and lots.
The city is a maze of streets and it is really easy to get lost (as we did) but even getting lost worked as we just bumped into more sights that we wanted to see anyway and once we knew again where we were we were able to find out way to the next attraction. We covered over 7 miles today per Mr Garmin.
After a nice dinner at a side walk cafe on a beautiful square with a statue and fountain in the middle (as almost all are) it's back to the hotel for blogging and bed. Another busy day coming up.
Tommorow is the vatican and more foot tours then Saturday we pick up the car and head South to Naples, Pompei, and of course - Salerno Province.
The wine is great, the food is great, and the city is a hoot.