We spent our last day in Paris visiting more sights... The Arc de Triomphe, walked the Champs-Élysées, The Louvre, Islands in the Seine (forgot the name at the moment) Notre Dame, and alot more places who's names I can't pronounce none the less try to spell.
Put on many many more foot miles, hit several expresso bars, had lunch and some wine at a sidewalk cafe, took a couple of subway rides, watched some musicians playing classical music in the subway, had more expresso, and now are chilling for a bit before hitting the streets one last time to do the evening wine and feedbag.
Tomorrow morning we will pound down some last minute bread, jam, fromage, and cafe' before our 10:15 pickup at the hotel for our 12 + hour trip back to the states.
A quick recap of the trip:
7 Countries, 3,000 miles on the rental car, 4 boat rides about 70 miles total, a couple of bus rides, several taxis, 5 trains a few hundred more miles, 2 subways, 10 arial tramways, 4 plane rides (another 7000 miles or so), 1 horse and buggy ride, 12 hotel rooms (all were superb except for the one we refer to as the "stinky feet room" and that was just a one night stay.). We have almost 2,000 pictures, 3 hours of video, and some very very worn maps and sneakers.
We've had duck, venison, wild boar, and food we can't pronounce or that we don't even know what it was other than it was damn good. (some was even raw meat)
We discovered some really good herbal cough remedies in Switzerland (syrup of Plantain). It works wonders.
We've visited countless churches and cathedrals, museums, sites both on and off the normal tourist routes, and generally had very full days, yet still had several days to relax and smell the flowers and meet Alfie the dog from England.
I cant believe how quickly we put this all together and how perfectly it all came out.
Now I just hope my new expresso machine is waiting for me when we get home or it could get nasty.