
Monday, July 20, 2015

Room for one more

We just finished up a most enjoyable visit with our friends
Ron & Maxine who were passing thru in the Party Bus after a tour
thru New England.

Before they arrived it was time to give the Doodles a clipping.
Here Lucy waits her turn.
They really are good Doodles and let me comb and clip for hours.

With the arrival of the Bus we now had 2 Party Busses, A boat, and two
cars on the driveway.  Surprisingly I could have fit a bunch more.
Perhaps I should start an RV Park.

On Sunday morning we visited the Beaufort Farmers Market.
Beaufort is the former home of Blackbeard the Pirate, and the pirate theme
is always to be found at social gatherings.

We visited the North Carolina Aquarium in Emerald Isle.

Gracie had no shortage of laps in which to perch.

Our house is ideally situated to catch the 4th of July fireworks from several towns.

From the back porch we caught Beauforts display...

A slight turn of the head westward included fireworks from Morehead City
and Atlantic Beach.

We took the boat out for a few spins on the water.

We made a day trip to Ocracoke Island.
Surprisingly, I'd never been there so it was new territory for all of us
except Kate.

The day began with a beautiful 40 minute ride to the NC Ferry Terminal at Cedar Island.
This is followed by a 2 1/2 hr ferry ride across Pamilco Sound to Ocracoke.

Here the westbound ferry passes us at the halfway point.

The terminal in Ocracoke.

A ferry departs Ocracoke headed to Swan Quarter.

We visited the National Seashore Campground for future reference..
(very nice dry camping - think Autumn)

Then we went to the far end of the island (a whopping 14 miles)
and visited the beach for this photo.

From here - another ferry connects to Hatteras Island about 5 miles distant.

After some quick sightseeing, lunch at Howards Pub, and some
visits by the ladies to the junk (ummm i mean Gift) shops,
It was back to the ferry terminal for our 2 1/2hr ride west. 

Departing the harbor you get a glimpse of the Ocracoke Lighthouse.

Kate & Maxine found a cool spot in the shade.

Chasing the Swan Quarter Ferry out the channel where we turn left.

Besides a full load of cars, trailers, boats...
We had over a dozen Harleys accompanying us on the ride back.

As the day waned and we approached Cedar Island, the Pamilico Sound
shrimping fleet was out in full force.

As quickly as it began, our visit with Ron & Maxine was over.
They have appointments in Colorado and are working their way back to the west coast.
As always - we had a blast and are sorry to see them go.

We will hook back up with them and the rest of the gang, this winter in the Desert.

Between now and then however,
I have work to do on the bus including installing 8 Solar panels.

But - thats another story.