
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Beaufort Schnitzel

A late post here...
No recap of our recent visit would be complete
without mentioning our wonderful last nights dinner
authentically prepared by Micheala in the style of her homeland.

Schnitzel can come in many different varieties...
Ours was thin pounded pork and was absolutely delicious.

Micheala took over the kitchen and we sat drooling
while the wonderful aromas filled the air.

Soon Marcel delivered the plates to the table.

Pretty to look at....  delicious to eat.

We gathered for one last feast.

It was a great meal topping off a great week!

We are now going to shift gears and tomorrow will be headed back out
in the RV for a long weekend back up to Mayberry and
a Montana RV Rally.

See you there.

Sunday, July 28, 2013


Well another great time has come to a close, but no time to be sad
for the end of one adventure is merely the beginning of the next.

A week that progressed at lightening speed...  
Kate and I refer to it as "Beaufort Time".

Marcel prepared a light and dark chocolate mousse made
from Swiss Toblerone Chocolate.

The Swiss Flag

When the Mousse was ready we then went out 
to a local restaurant for Abendessen.

The Mousse and expressos was our reward that night upon our return.

One morning the Madel (girls) made pancakes for us.

Isabella made Blueberry (she absolutely loves Blueberries)
and Francesca made Banana.

Each morning they jumped into bed with Kate and the Doodles

Now familiar with the area, the girls were so proud to be able to
take their own Doodles for a walk all on their own.

If you know Kate - then you know how much she trusted the girls to let
them take the Doodles all by themselves.

Friday I had work to do so Kate took them to Fort Macon
and some other local sights, then they went to have some Pizza for lunch.

Yesterday (Saturday)  it was off on another boating expedition.
It was a picture perfect day to go to Cape Lookout.

So we loaded up the boat...

Then out Beaufort inlet into the Atlantic Ocean...
5 miles north up the coast and we are there.

We anchored fore and aft - then went swimming

Explored the beach and collected shells

Had lunch and swam some more

We even found this rare Giant Floating Walrus.
Notice the Walrus Whiskers.

Franchesa and Isabella are best Friends.

After a few wonderful hours it was time to weigh anchor.

On the way home Capt Francesca again took the helm.
Then her younger sister Isabella finally summoned up the courage
to give it a try.
Under the careful watch of Francesa - Isabella steered us down the channel
and under the Beaufort Drawbridge.

Back at the dock the girls - led the way home.

It was a perfect day and a great way to finish off a great week!

Aufwiedersehen Fluris'

Friday, July 26, 2013

Fondue Meets Barbecue

We've been spending the most enjoyable week with
good friends of ours from Switzerland who have come to visit with us.

Some of you will remember that in 2010 we made an Oregon Trail Themed
trip, following the westward trails blazed by the wagon trains of the 1800's.

On the way back east from that trip we made a stop at the Devils Tower in
Wyoming and made friends with fellow travelers who were traveling around the world
with their two young children.

As is often the case with RV traveling, a chance meeting leads to strong bonds
that endure the miles.   We have kept in touch over the years and have tried on a couple
of occasions to join back up, and finally our globe trotting friends have made
Coastal Carolina a port of call while on this visit to the States.

Of course the Doodles are always a highlight for the girls.
Isabella (left above)  the younger of the two has adopted the younger but larger Lucy.
Franchesca (R) - the older of the two has adopted the older Gracie.

Below the girls have dressed up Lucy

They also did it to me but that picture will not make it to press.

Isabella made a necklace for Lucy..  

Francesca made one for Gracie..

We've had early morning play time with Kate & the Doodles

The Girls have made Jewelery

We have gone swimming & Boating...
Francesca is now a qualified Sea Captain.

On our boat ride we saw some wild horses

Francesca helped Kate make Banana Bread

And everyone has been helping me with my German.

It's amazing how the young girls already know a fair amount of English.
Francesca has just finished first Grade and was reading the menu at
a restaurant to me with no problem.

When we return from the Boat or the Pool Kate - just like a mother duck - leads the way
 thru the Fire Ant hills so that no one steps on a mound

Follow me my Ducklings..

Our week is winding down but there are still more adventures remaining
for this week as well as the years ahead...

Stay tuned.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

4th of July Weekend

Well folks it's 4th of July here in the Beauzone.
We've been home and off of the road for 3 months, and while the
pace of things have slowed down somewhat we have not let the
moss grow under our feet.

I've been busy planning our next adventure... and it's gonna be a good
one...   but that's a story for another day.

Its summer and around these parts that means....   boating.

With Independence day falling on a Thursday this year it means that some
folks have been enjoying an extra long weekend and today our foray onto the
briny deep proved to us that they are still here in full force.

Our good friends and neighbors Bob & Margie came out on the boat with us
today to help us celebrate the warm sunshine.
Bob & Margie watch our house when we are traveling and we always
know it is in good hands when they are watching out for us.

We spent some time anchored on a sandbar and swimming
in the warm 80 degree water.

Kate held down the fort in true MudHen style.

There was quite a wide assortment of boats out there today.

This one looks like it was a pontoon boat converted into a houseboat
with the addition of a pop up camper part.
(see the right side)

A Hobie Cat works its way onto the beach.

 Hayden - this one's for you.

Some folks even enjoyed the day from above.

Meanwhile the Doods stayed home in the Air conditioning where
they would be more happy.

This photo is from Fathers Day when they delivered my present.

It was a great day and fun was had by all.